Bharat needs to wake up to the criminals in the Indian Judiciary. This country is fast becoming a banana republic where just a few families appointing judges among themselves have created a parallel system in cahoots with break India forces. Today India’s Parliament elected by 1.3 billion people is superseded by a cabal of judges. What we are witnessing is highly compromised, corrupt and worse cowards who are destroying the very fabric of the nation. Perhaps our constitution experts failed to see or the Parliament capitulated to a coterie of criminals that are at the helm of what we call judiciary. Just few days ago the nation is appalled to see a young woman Nupur Sharma openly threatened with a bounty, open threats that her tongue will be cut and she be gang raped. There were 70,000 threats against her life. And for what? For repeating verbatim that is in the Islamic scriptures and affirmed by their own preachers like Zakir Naik who was felicitated by several Islamic nations, even by Saudi clerics. That too in response to repeated insults to her religion in a TV show. Nothing, there was nothing but silence from these so-called protectors of fundamental rights. Politicians and Government may have compulsions sometimes laced with geopolitical challenges, but here is where the Judiciary can step in and ensure the fundamental rights of its citizens are protected and ensure action against criminals. It can tell the world no matter what the compulsions of other branches of the Government, we are here to protect the fundamental rights of its citizens.
Break India forces are saying to Indians, you may have voted for a majority nationalist Government, but we have the ability to stop any progress that does not fit into our goals. You may pass bills in your parliament, but we will make them useless. How do they do it? By effectively using the corrupt judiciary against the nation.
But what is happening is a complete reversal. After engineered violent riots with support of break India forces, the most important thing for these Supreme Court judges was whether the UP state followed the rules in demolishing criminals’ homes. What were the riots for? For something Nupur Sharma allegedly did for which they should have responded in the first place and could have easily prevented it by giving a stern warning to the criminals who are spreading fake stories and threatening her through suo moto and other instruments they have at their disposal. This is the court that will wake up in the middle of the night to give judgments for certain political interests but would say nothing and do nothing when the country and its constitution is made into a joke. How we as a nation handled the Nupur Sharma case has become a joke of the world. Even China who has en masse put hundreds of thousands of Uighur Muslim men in reeducation camps while CCP officials are sleeping on the same bed as Uighur women is taunting India. Do these judges understand the international agenda behind all these engineered disturbances with local outfits? Just few weeks ago two judges commuted the death sentence of pedophile who raped and killed a 4 year old girl. Such is their perversion that they have little consideration to the family that is bearing this pain. Who gave them authority to supersede the parliament? What if it is their own child or potential threat to other children from this individual if left free? How much supari are they getting to produce these judgements where they are making hay during their short tenure in the Supreme Court? While other countries try and convict juvenile criminals who commit heinous crimes as adults, the criminal who brutally raped and pulled out Nirbhaya intestines through her vagina using a rusted rod, he was treated as juvenile and let go because he happens to be a Muslim. Is he even a juvenile? This is while others are given death sentences. These Judges are nothing short of very dangerous criminals occupying the high space using their power to protect the criminals while making money and benefits for themselves and their families.
It could be any of us, Nupur Sharma or Naveen Jindal are representatives of any common citizen.
This is the nation that respects our women. Our history is a testimony to that. Ramayana war happened after princess Sita was kidnapped and held captive. The epic Mahabharata war happened after princess Draupadi’s modesty was violated. Did the mental perverts that is roosting the Supreme Court even watched the news where Nupur Sharma said how she was targeted, the kind of messages such as ‘how many lings gang raped your mother to produce you?’ . Did they consider how their rights and the rights of their families to live freely in the nation like any other are severely challenged, perhaps forever. It could be any of us, Nupur Sharma or Naveen Jindal are representatives of any common citizen. Amid all this, nothing but silence from these judges. But no sooner than bulldozers got into action, they swung into action. No sooner than the homes of illegals who engineered violence in Delhi during Rama Navami processions they immediately put a stop within hours. It is instantaneous. These criminal judges are ever ready to protect illegals like Rohingyas who have been known to commit crimes but not that of Kashmiri Hindus who are still living as refugees in their own country for the last 31 years. How did Rohingyas from Myanmar get into Jammu (mind you, not even Kashmir)? One person told me, all he has to do is to get seats for the judges’ children or their grandchildren in an elite university in the US, they can get any judgement they want.
The whole PIL industry is funded by shady anti-national and foreign NGOs that are bent on breaking the country and they perhaps provide the big time supari to these judges. From CAA protests, Farmers protests, riots using Nupur Sharma statement to recent Agnipath protests, these are all dangerous regime change operations for Western geopolitical goals fueled by NGO’s and other local outfits working closely with foreign break India forces. They thrive doing untold damage to the progress of nation because they get protection from the corrupt judiciary. Most likely many of the judiciary family members have prominent roles in the foreign funded NGOs flushed with crores of funds, which is how supari is provided!
Are these judges always silent? Soon after Lakhim puri violence in UP they used Suo Moto to find out more details while at the same time when women are being raped and hundreds of thousands displaced after West Bengal post poll violence, these cowards recused themselves. These cowards are so afraid for their safety but have little consideration for the safety of its citizens. Everyone knows the West Bengal democracy is completely murdered. But when someone appealed for a judgement regarding local polls which are violently engineered they took an escape route asking petitioner to go back to local courts which are neither competent or threatened out of their wits (if SC judges are such such cowards, imagine the state of local judges). It is just a matter of time West Bengal follows suit as Kashmir where already even poor Hindus are leaving the state. These judges want Governments taking actions against the criminals to follow the rules so as to protect criminals while they themselves abdicate their responsibility.
Even our country’s defense is under threat by the judiciary.
The cost to the nation from this compromised judiciary is disastrous. None other retired Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi said the goal of a 5 trillion dollar economy is not possible with the current judiciary. How can it be? When you have judges protecting criminals that are destroying property, doing cleansing of non-Muslims in many areas through direct threats, blatantly violating fundamental rights and get away giving fatwas and roam around freely, those who committed heinous crimes like cutting throats or breaking heads with killer stones, those who are commiting crimes against literally hundreds of thousands of our minor girls through love jihad, those who brutally murdered even our security agent and throwing his body in a ditch while not even charged for many years, where is the hope for this nation. Where is safety when criminals who committed heinous crimes get bail and commit more crimes sometimes on the same day where as Members of parliament are jailed for just chanting Hanuman Chalisa or a simple comment on a politician will invite police brutality or rot in jail? What protection do common citizens have in this country? Who would want to invest? Even a small Islamic country like Bangla desh is purusing a policy of zero tolerance on Islamic Terrorism and fast becoming an Asia Tiger but we are ham strung by the judiciary to advance this nation. Bangladesh is brazenly using extra judicial killings to eliminate terrorists but we cannot touch the criminals. Riots do not happen in Middle Eastern Islamic countries, they do not happen in Western nations, but under the protection of the Judiciary the riots and destruction of the nation is all game.
Even our country’s defense is under threat. After an NGO filed against a bridge expansion on pretext of environmental protection, the Government requested that the bridge needed to be widened to carry the missiles to the border areas where they are challenged by Chinese build up. Guess what the judiciary did. They ‘reserved’ judgement which means no one knows when they will deliver while the nation faces increased risk! The country is facing enormous challenges with dubious conversions with billions of dollars poured in and when a PIL filed about these conversions, these judges challenged and threatened the petitioner. Christian missionaries are grossly abusing the culture and fooling the unwitting people but nothing happens to them. Christian pastors commit enormous crimes freely with a slap on the wrist but the weight of justice falls with heaviest hands when a Hindu saint commits a mistake with little recourse. Missionaries supported by the international mafia are deliberately instigating Muslims to rise against Hindus in their effort to stitch Muslims, Christians and converted Dalits to capture power and wipe out the national ethos of this nation just as they did in South Korea with Buddhism.
Which country are these perverts coming from? These judges are from Bharath that has a 10,000 year old culture, but they evaluate Sabarimala case using perverted judgement on the basis of Western christian denominations that literally destroyed every native culture of the world across every continent so that they could convert and plunder. From Steve Jobs, Oppenheimer, Carl Sagan, Joseph Campbell, Mike Singer, scientists in the famous CERN laboratory which holds a magnificent Nataraja statue on its premises, Quantum physicists and many thinkers and scientists the world over over millennia has enormous respect to the ancient culture of this land but these judges have no clue what their nation is, what it’s ethos are. Famous cosmologist Carl Sagan said the secrets of the universe are hidden in Hindu scriptures. This culture is a treasure of humanity. The accomplishments of this nation are enormous and the loot of this rich nation literally financed the industrial revolution of Europe which stole trillions from this nation and impoverished it beyond imagination. When I was working on Electronic Voting machines in India in 2009 I had an interesting experience. I was invited along with the German Supreme Court attorney who had earlier successfully argued in the German Supreme Court to ban EVM machines in Germany, to speak on our work on Indian EVM machines at a law school in Hyderabad. The President of the school took us around and showed the many statues of various European thinkers on the school campus. At the end of it I asked the President, ‘Sir, you have shown us the statues of many European thinkers but isn’t there any room for our own Indian thinkers such as Kautilya, whose work perhaps the West itself is studying’? He was so offended by this remark and after our speech to the law students he refused to meet us and my recollection was we had to use our own arrangements to get back to the hotel. We are creating not only technical coolies to man the mercenary Western elites industries that are literally destroying India and the rest of the world, but we are actually creating lawyers and thereby judges who have no clue of their nation and its enormously rich heritage while every other nation first study their own. In the end, this is easily leading to them joining the very hands that are breaking this nation. These judges do not have any knowledge of geopolitics while they are busy making their money and recommending their friends and families as future judges.
The nation is facing enormous challenges from Western Global elites who are using radical Islam outfits both nationally and internationally, NGOs funded with billions, local political parties to create disturbance on every drop of a hat for their geopolitical goals of converting the nation into a vassal state. These break India forces are relentlessly working to do regime change, bent on destroying the Sanantana Dharma ethos to convert the nation into a vassal state as part of their geopolitical goals. This agenda gathered even more importance due to the ongoing realignments occurring internationally. They are saying to Indians, you may have voted for a majority nationalist Government, but we have the ability to stop any progress that does not fit into goals. You may pass bills in your parliament, but we will make them useless.
Bharat needs to wake up to the criminals in the Indian Judiciary. This country is fast becoming a banana republic where just a few families appointing judges among themselves have created a parallel system in cahoots with break India forces. Today India’s Parliament elected by 1.3 billion people is superseded by a cabal of judges. What we are witnessing is highly compromised, corrupt and worse cowards who are destroying the very fabric of the nation. Perhaps our constitution experts failed to see or the Parliament capitulated to a coterie of criminals that are at the helm of what we call judiciary. Just few days ago the nation is appalled to see a young woman Nupur Sharma openly threatened with a bounty, open threats that her tongue will be cut and she be gang raped. There were 70,000 threats against her life. And for what? For repeating verbatim that is in the Islamic scriptures and affirmed by their own preachers like Zakir Naik who was felicitated by several Islamic nations, even by Saudi clerics. That too in response to repeated insults to her religion in a TV show. Nothing, there was nothing but silence from these so-called protectors of fundamental rights. Politicians and Government may have compulsions sometimes laced with geopolitical challenges, but here is where the Judiciary can step in and ensure the fundamental rights of its citizens are protected and ensure action against criminals. It can tell the world no matter what the compulsions of other branches of the Government, we are here to protect the fundamental rights of its citizens.
Break India forces are saying to Indians, you may have voted for a majority nationalist Government, but we have the ability to stop any progress that does not fit into our goals. You may pass bills in your parliament, but we will make them useless. How do they do it? By effectively using the corrupt judiciary against the nation.
But what is happening is a complete reversal. After engineered violent riots with support of break India forces, the most important thing for these Supreme Court judges was whether the UP state followed the rules in demolishing criminals’ homes. What were the riots for? For something Nupur Sharma allegedly did for which they should have responded in the first place and could have easily prevented it by giving a stern warning to the criminals who are spreading fake stories and threatening her through suo moto and other instruments they have at their disposal. This is the court that will wake up in the middle of the night to give judgments for certain political interests but would say nothing and do nothing when the country and its constitution is made into a joke. How we as a nation handled the Nupur Sharma case has become a joke of the world. Even China who has en masse put hundreds of thousands of Uighur Muslim men in reeducation camps while CCP officials are sleeping on the same bed as Uighur women is taunting India. Do these judges understand the international agenda behind all these engineered disturbances with local outfits? Just few weeks ago two judges commuted the death sentence of pedophile who raped and killed a 4 year old girl. Such is their perversion that they have little consideration to the family that is bearing this pain. Who gave them authority to supersede the parliament? What if it is their own child or potential threat to other children from this individual if left free? How much supari are they getting to produce these judgements where they are making hay during their short tenure in the Supreme Court? While other countries try and convict juvenile criminals who commit heinous crimes as adults, the criminal who brutally raped and pulled out Nirbhaya intestines through her vagina using a rusted rod, he was treated as juvenile and let go because he happens to be a Muslim. Is he even a juvenile? This is while others are given death sentences. These Judges are nothing short of very dangerous criminals occupying the high space using their power to protect the criminals while making money and benefits for themselves and their families.
It could be any of us, Nupur Sharma or Naveen Jindal are representatives of any common citizen.
This is the nation that respects our women. Our history is a testimony to that. Ramayana war happened after princess Sita was kidnapped and held captive. The epic Mahabharata war happened after princess Draupadi’s modesty was violated. Did the mental perverts that is roosting the Supreme Court even watched the news where Nupur Sharma said how she was targeted, the kind of messages such as ‘how many lings gang raped your mother to produce you?’ . Did they consider how their rights and the rights of their families to live freely in the nation like any other are severely challenged, perhaps forever. It could be any of us, Nupur Sharma or Naveen Jindal are representatives of any common citizen. Amid all this, nothing but silence from these judges. But no sooner than bulldozers got into action, they swung into action. No sooner than the homes of illegals who engineered violence in Delhi during Rama Navami processions they immediately put a stop within hours. It is instantaneous. These criminal judges are ever ready to protect illegals like Rohingyas who have been known to commit crimes but not that of Kashmiri Hindus who are still living as refugees in their own country for the last 31 years. How did Rohingyas from Myanmar get into Jammu (mind you, not even Kashmir)? One person told me, all he has to do is to get seats for the judges’ children or their grandchildren in an elite university in the US, they can get any judgement they want.
Are these judges always silent? Soon after Lakhim puri violence in UP they used Suo Moto to find out more details while at the same time when women are being raped and hundreds of thousands displaced after West Bengal post poll violence, these cowards recused themselves. These cowards are so afraid for their safety but have little consideration for the safety of its citizens. Everyone knows the West Bengal democracy is completely murdered. But when someone appealed for a judgement regarding local polls which are violently engineered they took an escape route asking petitioner to go back to local courts which are neither competent or threatened out of their wits (if SC judges are such such cowards, imagine the state of local judges). It is just a matter of time West Bengal follows suit as Kashmir where already even poor Hindus are leaving the state. These judges want Governments taking actions against the criminals to follow the rules so as to protect criminals while they themselves abdicate their responsibility.
The whole PIL industry is funded by shady anti-national and foreign NGOs that are bent on breaking the country and they perhaps provide the big time supari to these judges. From CAA protests, Farmers protests, riots using Nupur Sharma statement to recent Agnipath protests, these are all dangerous regime change operations for Western geopolitical goals fueled by NGO’s and other local outfits working closely with foreign break India forces. They thrive doing untold damage to the progress of the nation because they get protection from the corrupt judiciary. Most likely many of the judiciary family members have prominent roles in the foreign funded NGOs flushed with crores of funds, which is among the different methods supari is provided!
Even our country’s defense is under threat by the judiciary.
The cost to the nation from this compromised judiciary is disastrous. None other retired Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi said the goal of a 5 trillion dollar economy is not possible with the current judiciary. How can it be? When you have judges protecting criminals that are destroying property, doing cleansing of non-Muslims in many areas through direct threats, blatantly violating fundamental rights and get away giving fatwas and roam around freely, those who committed heinous crimes like cutting throats or breaking heads with killer stones, those who are commiting crimes against literally hundreds of thousands of our minor girls through love jihad, those who brutally murdered even our security agent and throwing his body in a ditch while not even charged for many years, where is the hope for this nation. Where is safety when criminals who committed heinous crimes get bail and commit more crimes sometimes on the same day where as Members of parliament are jailed for just chanting Hanuman Chalisa or a simple comment on a politician will invite police brutality or rot in jail? What protection do common citizens have in this country? Who would want to invest? Even a small Islamic country like Bangla desh is purusing a policy of zero tolerance on Islamic Terrorism and fast becoming an Asia Tiger but we are ham strung by the judiciary to advance this nation. Bangladesh is brazenly using extra judicial killings to eliminate terrorists but we cannot touch the criminals. Riots do not happen in Middle Eastern Islamic countries, they do not happen in Western nations, but under the protection of the Judiciary the riots and destruction of the nation is all game.
Even our country’s defense is under threat. After an NGO filed against a bridge expansion on pretext of environmental protection, the Government requested that the bridge needed to be widened to carry the missiles to the border areas where they are challenged by Chinese build up. Guess what the judiciary did. They ‘reserved’ judgement which means no one knows when they will deliver while the nation faces increased risk! The country is facing enormous challenges with dubious conversions with billions of dollars poured in and when a PIL filed about these conversions, these judges challenged and threatened the petitioner. Christian missionaries are grossly abusing the culture and fooling the unwitting people but nothing happens to them. Christian pastors commit enormous crimes freely with a slap on the wrist but the weight of justice falls with heaviest hands when a Hindu saint commits a mistake with little recourse. Missionaries supported by the international mafia are deliberately instigating Muslims to rise against Hindus in their effort to stitch Muslims, Christians and converted Dalits to capture power and wipe out the national ethos of this nation just as they did in South Korea with Buddhism.
Which country are these perverts coming from? These judges are from Bharath that has a 10,000 year old culture, but they evaluate Sabarimala case using perverted judgement on the basis of Western christian denominations that literally destroyed every native culture of the world across every continent so that they could convert and plunder. From Steve Jobs, Oppenheimer, Carl Sagan, Joseph Campbell, Mike Singer, scientists in the famous CERN laboratory which holds a magnificent Nataraja statue on its premises, Quantum physicists and many thinkers and scientists the world over over millennia has enormous respect to the ancient culture of this land but these judges have no clue what their nation is, what it’s ethos are. Famous cosmologist Carl Sagan said the secrets of the universe are hidden in Hindu scriptures. This culture is a treasure of humanity. The accomplishments of this nation are enormous and the loot of this rich nation literally financed the industrial revolution of Europe which stole trillions from this nation and impoverished it beyond imagination. When I was working on Electronic Voting machines in India in 2009 I had an interesting experience. I was invited along with the German Supreme Court attorney who had earlier successfully argued in the German Supreme Court to ban EVM machines in Germany, to speak on our work on Indian EVM machines at a law school in Hyderabad. The President of the school took us around and showed the many statues of various European thinkers on the school campus. At the end of it I asked the President, ‘Sir, you have shown us the statues of many European thinkers but isn’t there any room for our own Indian thinkers such as Kautilya, whose work perhaps the West itself is studying’? He was so offended by this remark and after our speech to the law students he refused to meet us and my recollection was we had to use our own arrangements to get back to the hotel. We are creating not only technical coolies to man the mercenary Western elites industries that are literally destroying India and the rest of the world, but we are actually creating lawyers and thereby judges who have no clue of their nation and its enormously rich heritage while every other nation first study their own. In the end, this is easily leading to them joining the very hands that are breaking this nation. These judges do not have any knowledge of geopolitics while they are busy making their money and recommending their friends and families as future judges.
The nation is facing enormous challenges from Western Global elites who are using radical Islam outfits both nationally and internationally, NGOs funded with billions, local political parties to create disturbance on every drop of a hat for their geopolitical goals of converting the nation into a vassal state. These break India forces are relentlessly working to do regime change, bent on destroying the Sanantana Dharma ethos to convert the nation into a vassal state as part of their geopolitical goals. This agenda gathered even more importance due to the ongoing realignments occurring internationally. They are saying to Indians, you may have voted for a majority nationalist Government, but we have the ability to stop any progress that does not fit into goals. You may pass bills in your parliament, but we will make them useless. How do they do it? By effectively using the corrupt judiciary against the nation.
Indian Supreme Court has become a criminal syndicate that has become a dangerous part and parcel of break India forces. It is time to wake up or be prepared for the destruction of this nation in spite of the best efforts of its people. Bharath has to rise up against this criminal enterprise if it has any hope to reach its enormous potential.
Satya Dosapati
[…] India Supreme Court Judges are black robed criminals – did nothing to protect Nupur Sharma rig… […]
[…] did nothing to protect Nupur Sharma rights but rushes to protect criminals who did violent riots http://www.satyablog.org/2022/06/23/india-supreme-court-judges-are-black-robed-criminals-did-nothing… (3) Why is the nation afraid to tell the truth that Nupur Sharma did not insult the prophet? […]
[…] did nothing to protect Nupur Sharma rights but rushes to protect criminals who did violent riots http://www.satyablog.org/2022/06/23/india-supreme-court-judges-are-black-robed-criminals-did-nothing… (3) Why is the nation afraid to tell the truth that Nupur Sharma did not insult the prophet? […]