The recent Kathua incident is a chilling reminder of how media can fire up frenzy in the country without little regard to the fairness in reporting. This is a sad incident that deserves to question our conscience just as so many such incidents being reported just in last few days. The media frenzy seems to stem from the victim being a minority member (Muslim) and the perpetrator is a majority community member (Hindu) and to portray that there is a wave of Muslim persecution in the country under BJP/Narendra Modi rule.
The same media frenzy is seen during 2002 Gujarat riots where media houses would only interview Muslim victims but so many riots happened in same Gujarat prior to that, they did not receive such attention because in every one of them the Hindu community was most affected except 2002 riots where the Muslim community was most affected. This is also reminiscent of Hindu spiritual leader Sankaracharya arrest on Hindu festival Diwali day where with little respect or regard to majority community, media went on accusing him of all kinds of issues that Supreme Court has to deliver a warning to stop. Arun Shourie, in his wonderful book, ‘Harvesting our Souls’, goes into details of how this was done in not just one incident, but incident after incident where Christian missionary organizations and media colluded to create such frenzies to ensure that conversion activity in India goes unabated. In this presentation ‘Death to Hinduism‘ viewed by thousands or even lacs of people on social media it goes into all the details of what is happening in India by Christian Missionaries in collusion with Congress and Sonia Gandhi. Rajiv Malhotra, in ‘Breaking India’ book have detailed about the efforts of these organizations including the Dravidian movements or the frenzy after Gujarat riots.
3-Year-Old Raped Inside Bus In Kolkata, Brother Pleaded With Accused To Let Her Go
The alleged incident happened last evening, when the bus cleaner dragged the victim inside the parked bus on Canal (West) Road in north Kolkata and then allegedly raped her.
Kolkata police said the 3-year-old was lured with chocolates and taken inside a bus. (Representational)
A three-year-old girl has been allegedly raped on Monday by a bus-cleaner inside a parked luxury bus in Kolkata’s Canal (West) Road, police said on Tuesday.
The accused 45-year-old Sheikh Munna has been arrested for allegedly raping the girl who is being treated at the RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, a senior officer of Kolkata Police said.
“We are waiting for the report of the tests conducted on the girl to confirm rape. We are questioning the accused and our forensic experts have collected samples from the spot where the alleged incident took place,” the officer said.
According to doctors at the state-run medical facility, the girl was bleeding heavily when she was brought to the hospital.
“She had bled profusely but her condition has improved since last night and possibly she will survive. Signs are clear that she had been brutalised,” one senior doctor said.
The alleged incident happened last evening, when the accused Munna had dragged the victim inside the parked bus on Canal (West) Road in north Kolkata and then allegedly raped her.
The victim was playing with her five-year-old brother when Munna had allegedly lured her inside the bus on the pretext of giving her a chocolate, the officer said.
“The victim’s brother had pleaded with Munna to open the door and let her his sister go when she was screaming. The boy continued banging on the bus’s door but there was no result,” he said.
The boy then ran to inform about the incident to their mother, who is a widowed rag-picker.
“The woman alerted her neighbours, who rushed to the bus and rescued her from the accused’s grip and then thrashed him before informing the police.
“We found the girl lying in a pool of blood on a bus seat. The child’s clothes were torn and she was bleeding profusely,” the senior police officer said adding that the accused had blood on his hands and trousers when he was arrested.
Forensic experts have also collected blood samples and stains from the bus which has been seized, the officer added.
यूपी: 7 साल की बच्ची से सामूहिक बलात्कार, मासूम की हालत देख उड़े परिजनों के होश

यहां तीन दरिंदों ने एक सात साल की बच्ची के साथ सामूहिक बलात्कार किया। वहीं बच्ची को रोती बिलखती देख परिजनों के होश उड़ गए। जानिए फिर क्या हुआ…
यह मामला यूपी के बिजनौर शहर का है। धामपुर थाना क्षेत्र के एक गांव में तीन युवकों ने सात वर्षीय बच्ची के साथ गैंग रेप किया। पुलिस ने सूचना मिलने पर तीनों आरोपियों को गिरफ्तार कर चालान कर दिया है।
एक गांव में जब सात वर्षीय बच्ची नौ अप्रैल की शाम को एक दुकान से सामान लेने के लिए जा रही थी। तब गांव के सलमान पुत्र शहबाज, खुर्शीद पुत्र नसीरूद्दीन, उवेश पुत्र लईक अहमद बदनियती से बच्ची को उठाकर ले गए। और तीनों आरोपियों ने रेप किया। जब बच्ची काफी देर तक घर पहुंची तो परिजनों ने उसकी तलाश की। तलाशी के दौरान जब बच्ची रोती बिलखती आ रही थी तो उसकी हालत को देख परिजनों के होश उड़ गए। ग्रामीणों ने रात में ही पुलिस को घटना की सूचना दी।
पढ़ें : यूपी: कमरे में घुसकर किशोरी से जबरन बलात्कार, विरोध करने पर बेरहमी से पीटा और फिर…