1) More aggression from Kalisthanis through proxy ISI and even use them to target some key BJP leaders.
2) Victoria Nuland who has been actively planning similar operations with the help of missionaries and DMK in Tamilnadu would now go on high gear with the active help of Eric Garcettis once he moves to Bharath. One of the things we hear is Victoria working with DMK, possibly planning to release convicted terrorists from jails among other things!!! A key ingredient of a regime change is violent disruptive forces. They weaponized Antifa in the US (Trump), Nazis in Ukraine (Putin), Hamas in Israel (Netanyahu), and now Kalisthanis/Islamists in Bharath (Narendra Modi). There are many other activities being planned and this will increase as days go by. We will see a lot more action than we saw in Kudankulam in the past. They are ready waiting for a reason to start violent protests and will engineer one if that is not possible!
3) There could be engineered incidents like the terrorist attack on Ayodhya Ram Mandir, killing a few top Hindu activists, Godhra type train burning to engineer riots between Hindus and Muslims. They can infiltrate Hindu organizations and do violent attacks on Muslims (or even Sikhs) accompanied by high decibel media one sided propaganda (who would be handsomely rewarded), to trigger riots.
4) Engineer continuous provocations by Pakistan and explore a nuclear attack in India or a high level drone attack where/when key leaders of BJP like it were attempted against most of BJP leadership in Bihar in 2013.
5) The weakest point Bharath has is a highly compromised judiciary mafia. The biased Adani panel appointment, taking over selection of election commissioners, thwarting any serious steps by the administration in handling situations as elections come close, need to be watched. The Indian judiciary is a mafia, a dangerous mafia that is not only completely unaccountable but also working closely with break india forces.
A final note – we are dealing with the biggest terrorist establishment in the world. Let us understand how they think, “we could take care of Trump (as Soros said, into pitiable state), Joe Bolsinaro (using judiciary), took down Netanyahu (using UAE/Hamas), will pulverize Putin (via Ukraine), we can take care of this bloody fucking Indian guy a lesson”. Remember what deep state guru Henry Kissinger said, ‘Indira Gandhi is a bitch and Indians are bastards’. India needs to be very watchful. There are many ways to decimate a leader such as missiles, poisonous substances (even during hotel stays during state visits), radiation and as a last resort, direct attack through proxies.
3) Silent attack on India
4) Twitter files expose’ of illegal State Department funded DFRLab activities against Hindu Americans
5) Very informative thread on how every attempt to replace the dollar trade has been targeted by the West for regime change.
6) Anti-Modi and regime change operation by USA and French Club of India
7) France and US Killed Qaddaffi for his gold and Oil (and his efforts to replace dollar with Gold)

8) Is the Indian Judiciary a partner to Soros regime change operation?
8) Regime Change is old, dangerous trick of the US