Foreign Funding of Indian NGOs

By Sanjeev Nayyar                                                                               April 18, 2014


  1. Introduction to FCRA


From time to time there is a furor over receipt of donations from abroad. In December 2013 the Supreme Court gave the Central Bureau of Investigation a further period of eight weeks to report on the actual of NGO’s in the country.


Does  the  Government  know  the  total  amount  of  money  received  under  the  Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA)? How does GOI ensure that recipient organizations are working in national interest?


Using the 2010-11  FCRA report this article seeks to provoke  thought  by sharing data of donor countries, donors-their objectives, recipients etc.


First, a bit about the regulatory framework for NGOs who receive foreign funds?


FCRA  regulates  the  receipt  of  funds  by  NGOs  and  is  managed  by  the  MHA.  Any organization that wants to receive contributions from abroad has to apply and get approval from the Home Ministry. The associations could be religious, social, educational, cultural or educational organizations.


If an NGO, whether registered or not, receives a contribution in excess of Rs 1 cr during a period of 30 days, the Bank has to report this to the Central Government within 30 days of the date of such last transaction. The NGO has to annually submit audited accounts to MHA who scrutinize the returns to ensure that contributions received for a particular purpose are used for that purpose  only. It does a detailed check of randomly picked associations  and collates the data received to present the FCRA Annual Report.


  1. Trends in Foreign Contributions


As on 31.3.2012,  there were 41,844 registered associations  under FCRA. As compared to

2004-05 (UPA came to power in 2004) the amount received in 2011-12 has gone up by 85%

and their number 38%. See table.

Trends in Foreign Contributions

FinancialYear Registered Associations (as on31st March of F.Y.) Associations that gave detailsof remittances received Amountsreceived Rs crs
1993-94 15,039 Not Available 1865
2000-01 22,924 64% 4535
2003-04 28,351 61% 5105
2004-05 30,321 61% 6257
2005-06 32,144 58% 7878
2006-07 33,937 56% 11,007
2007-08 34,803 54% 9,663
2008-09 36,414 55% 10,803
2009-10 38,436 56% 10,338
2010-11 40,575 56% 10,334
2011-12 41844+ 16756 not filed returns+ 11548+
Total 1993-94 to 2011-12 1,16,073

*All numbers in this article are reproduced from FCRA reports published by the MHA.

+ Reply to Rajya Sabha question no 199 dated 18/12/12013


Reported receipts by NGOs between 1993-94 to 2011-12 were Rs 1,16,073 crs. Only about

55% NGOs gave audited accounts so amounts received by them are included in this report. Actual receipts were much higher.


  1. Largest Donors Country wise

Rs crs



Year USA Germany UK Italy Spain Netherlands
2002-03 1680 715 685 316 250* 262
2003-04 1584 757 676 350 261 304
2004-05 1927 931 764 433 338 354
2005-06 2426 1181 1062 500 402 446
2006-07 2949 1033 1428 488 465 448
2007-08 2928 971 1269 515 401 414
2008-09 3433 1103 1131 547 437 513
2009-10 3106 1046 1039 584 437 509
2010-11 3261 1007 1065 490 351 469
Total 20,033 7,737 8,054 4223 3342 3719
2011-12 NA NA NA NA NA NA

*Spain data for 2002-03 not accessible. Assumed at Rs 250 crs

NA means not published as on March 8, 2014


The top three donor countries consistently are USA, Germany, and UK.


Rs 20k crs by the U.S. and nearly Rs 8k crs by Germany/UK are large sums of money. Why are these countries remitting large sums of money? May be U.K. donates to help overcome the guilt of looting India during colonial rule or to continue with the colonial construct of the Indian Mind.


The economies of the U.S. and Europe, barring Germany perhaps, are under stress. Should not donors spend money on their own citizens!


Ironically receipts from Middle East countries were only app Rs 155 crs in 2010-11 even though media reports indicate funds come through hawala.


According to this report in there are atleast 40 charitable organizations in Saudi Arabia whose primary job is to raise money for funding terror in India. The links to Saudi Arabia  became  extremely  clear when the police  tracked  a hawala  transaction  of $10,000 (about  Rs 4,60,000)  which was used to carry out the July 11, 2006 serial  train blasts  in Mumbai  that  killed  209  people.”  To  read  more terror-funds-are-pumped-in-from-saudi/20110811.htm


It is also possible that funds are routed through migrant working class who work in the Gulf.


Are such large contributions  only for social work, a smokescreen  for the Church to fund conversions to India/promote divisiveness tendencies in the country or create a population of believers  with strong emotional  bonding and dependence  on the West’! As a popular TV anchors says ‘The nation would like to know’.


Yogi Sikand, a high profile activist, who spent years fighting for the so called oppressed – Dalits, minorities and women wrote an article titled ‘Why I gave up Social Activism’. The piece  gave  insights  into  how  NGOs  use  the  lure  of  money;  foreign  conferences  etc,  to


accentuate      if     not     create      divisions      in     Indian      society.      To     read     more


  1. Largest Donors: Agency wise trends 2010-11

Rs crs



Name & Country 10-11 Name & Country 09-10 Name & Country 08-09
1.Compassion International,USA 99 Gospel For Asia Inc USA 233 World VisionInternational USA 706
2.HCL Holdings Pvt Ltd,Mauritius 70 Fundacion VicenteFerrer, Barcelona, Spain 229 Gospel For Asia IncUSA 596
3.Action Aid, UK 63 World Vision GlobalCentre, USA 198 Fundacion VicenteFerrer, Barcelona, Spain 458
4.Population ServiceInternational, USA 61 CompassionInternational, USA 132 Shyam Shyam DhamSamiti India 359
5.Bill & Melnda GatesFoundation, USA 49 HCL Holdings Pvt Ltd,Mauritius 94 CompassionInternational, USA 347
6.Kinder Not Hilfe e. V(KNH) Germany 48 Om Foundaiton, USA 64 Fundacion VicenteFerrer, Spain 241
7.EED-EvangeischerEntwickkugddienst  e.v., Germany 40 Population ServiceInternational, USA 51 Action AidInternational, UK 228
8.SOS KinderdorfInternational, Austria 36 Oxfam GB, UK 45 BAPS, Inc USA 199
9.Wort and Tat AllgemeinelMission, Geselischaft, Germany 32 Save The Children, UK 44 Christian ChildrenFund, USA 197
10.Save the Children UK 29 EED-EvangeischerEntwickkugddienst  e.v., Germany 44 Plan International,USA 191
11.Leprosy Mission,International, UK 29 University of Manitoba,Canada 41 Om Foundation, USA 188
12.General Conference of 7thDay Adventists, USA 26 Bill & Melnda GatesFoundation, USA 40 Ahmadiyya MuslimAssociation, UK 178
13.InternationalDevelopment (Enterprises


26 Plan International, USA 39 Mata AmritanandmaiCentre, USA 176
14.Christian Foundation forChildren and Aging, USA 24 SOS KinderdorfInternational, Austria 34 The Global Fund toFight aids, Tuberculosis, Malaria Switzerland 166
15.Oxfam GB, UK 23 Wort and TatAllgemeinel Mission, Geselischaft, Germany 29 Oxfam India Trust,UK 163
Received Top 15 655 Received Top 15 1317 Received Top 15 4393
Total Receipts 10334 Total Receipts 10338 Total Receipts 10803

Whilst the total contribution have remained at app Rs 10,350 crs, % of top 15 donors has

fallen from a high of 41% of total receipts in 2008-09 to 6% in 2011-12.


This could mean that big donors have stopped giving or are doing so through different donor entities. Since total contributions from the big three i.e. U.S., Germany and U.K. are around the same levels it must be the latter.


For e.g. as a top 15 donor World Vision International USA remitted Rs 706 crs in 2008-09 but did not make it to the top donors list in 2010-11. Corresponding receipts for World Vision India Tamil Nadu were Rs 192 crs and Rs 234 crs respectively.


Another e.g. is Gospel for Asia a Texas based Christian missionary organization. In 2009-10 it made contribution  of Rs 233 crs but does not feature in top 15 donors list in 2010-11. Perhaps, wanted to get off the MHA radar after the furor created by the “2008 Kerala Home minister statement that the ‘Church has bought nearly 2,800 acres of land, including a 2200 acre rubber estate” excerpts from Breaking India by R Malhotra and Aravindan Neelakandan.


As per site of World Vision, largest donor in 2008-09 Rs 706 crs, their Mission is “World Vision is an international partnership of Christians whose mission is to follow our Lord and Saviour   Jesus   Christ   in   working   with   the   poor   and   oppressed   to   promote   human transformation, seek justice and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.”  To read more


Name of Donor 2010-11 About Donor  (as on 8th March 2014)
1.Compassion International, USA 99 www.compassion.comReleasing children from poverty in Jesus name.
2.HCL Holdings Pvt Ltd, Mauritius 70 No site. Donated to Shivnadar Foundation.
3.Action Aid, UK 63  To work with poor and excludedpeople to eradicate poverty and injustice.
4.Population Service International, USA 61 A leading global health org with programstargeting malaria, child survival, HIV, reproductive health and non-communicable  disease.
5.Bill & Melnda Gates Foundation, USA 49 Works to help all people leadhealthy, productive lives. Health, nutrition, agriculture, HIV development, sanitation included.
6.Kinder Not Hilfe e. V (KNH)Germany (88,000 reliable donors who contribute fixed amt on a regular basis). 48 Implement rights &Poverty removal of children. Our engagement is based upon Christian values.
7.EED-Evangeischer  Entwickkugddienst e.v., Germany 40 Not Available
8.SOS Kinderdorf International, Austria 36 We take action forchildren as an independent non-governmental social development organization
9.Wort and Tat Allgemeinel Mission,Geselischaft, Germany 32 We bring themessage of God’s love and his offer of reconciliation through Jesus Christ to the people with no hope. Support to poor in social and medical sectors. (focus Andhra P).
10.Save the Children UK 29 We run programmes tosave children’s lives to give them a brighter future.
11.Leprosy Mission, International, UK 29 LMI is an internationalChristian organisation which helps people affected by leprosy.
12.General Conference of 7th DayAdventists, USA 26 General Conference is responsible for the spiritual and developmental plans of the church around the world
13.International Development(Enterprises (IDE), USA 26 Since 1991 it has ensured the adoptionof more than 750,000 treadle pumps by Indian smallholders farm families.
14.Christian Foundation for Childrenand Aging, USA 24 Is to walk with the poor andmarginalized of the world. We are grounded in the

Gospel call to serve the poor.

15. Oxfam GB, UK 23  Root causes of poverty from life’s basics e.g. food, education to complex issues like human rights.  For Oxfam Mother matching contribution by UK Govt.


  1. About Donors


A review  of the objects of the top 15 donors indicate  their work is to do with children, education, HIV/AIDS, health, human rights.


Had the Government of India invited these organizations to supplement its efforts?


Would foreign governments allow Indian NGO’s to do in their country what their NGO’s do in India? “Incidentally,  there is an act in the USA called Foreign Agents Registration Act [FARA] and it provides for penalties up to ten years in jail for acting as a foreign agent or getting  foreign  funds  without  notification  to the Attorney  General.  FARA  was originally passed in 1938 to prevent the spread of Nazi ideas and propaganda”.


How  does  MHA  ensure  that  in  the  name  of  child  education  and  human  rights  divisive tendencies and conversions amongst the local people are not undertaken?


For eg World Vision International USA donated Rs 706 crs in 2008-09. “World Vision is one of the organizations  blamed by natives as the chief investigator  for the gunning down, in

2008,  of  a  Hindu  monk  for  their  work  in counteracting  Christian  proselytizing.  Maoists claimed  responsibility  for the killing.  The Evangelist-Maoist  connection  triggered  Hindu- Christian  violence’.  Former  Bihar Home  Secretary,  Afzal  Amanullah,  stated  ‘Intelligence agencies report Maoists getting money from foreign-funded NGOs. Now, we have to do a lot of  planning  to  stop  this  worrisome  syndrome  from  spreading”.  Breaking  India  by  Rajiv Malhotra and Aravindan Neelakandan.


It is an acknowledged fact that conversions disturb the cultural and social fabric in society. The author experienced that first hand during a recent trip to Arunachal Pradesh.


There are, however, organizations that receive foreign funds and doing excellent work. The Nation must question the need for such organizations!


  1. Top 15 Recipient Associations Trends 2010-11


Rs crs


Association 10-11 Association 09-10 08-09
1.World Vision of India, TamilNadu 234 World Vision of India, TamilNadu 209 192
2.Believers Church India,Kerala 161 Rural Development Trust, A.P. 151 155
3.Rural Development Trust,A.P. 135 Shri Sevassubramania  NadarEducational Charitable Trust, Tamil Nadu 94 *
4.Caruna Bal Vikas, TamilNadu 96 Believers Church India, Kerala 88 100
5.Women’s Development Trust,Andhra Pradesh 73 Caruna Bal Vikas, Tamil Nadu 83 74
6.Oxfam Trust, Delhi 71 Women’s Development Trust,Andhra Pradesh 80 81
7.Shivnagar Foundation, Delhi 70 Sri Sri JagadguruShankaracharya, Karnataka 71 60
8.Bal Raksha Bharat, Delhi 68 Action Aid, Karnataka 66 77
9.Action Aid, Karnataka 67 Bal Raksha Bharat, Delhi 66
10.Missionaries of Charity,West Bengal 63 SOS Children’s Village ofIndia, Delhi 62 83
11.Mata AmritanandmayiMath, Kerala 61 Love India Ministries, Kerala 62 *
12.Christian Children Fund,Inc, Karnataka 61 Oxfam Trust, Delhi 59 *
13.Population ServicesInternational, Delhi 60 Plan International Inc, Delhi 55 66
14.Compassion East India,West Bengal 60 Tibetan Children’s village,Himachal Pradesh 53 *
15.SOS Children’s Village ofIndia, Delhi 55 Missionaries of Charity, WestBengal 53 *
Top 15 recipients received 1335 Top 15 recipients received 1252
Total Contribution received 10334 Total Contribution received 10338 10803

*Not in top 15 recipients in 2008-09 hence not shown.

Of  the  top  15  recipients  in  2010-11  only  two  can  be  said  to  be  run  by  the  majority community. Can the MHA ensure 41,000 odd NGOs use funds received only for declared purposes?


At the height of the Kundankulam  agitation senior journalist Venky Vembhu wrote, “The NGOs that are at the centre of the latest action haven’t been named, but  they are believed to be those associated with Bishop Yvon Ambroise, the Tuticorin church leader, who has been active  in mobilising  popular  support  for the protests  at Kudankulam.  Two  of the  NGOs associated with Ambroise – the Tuticorin Diocese Association (TDA) and the Tuticorin Multipurpose   Social  Service  Society  (TMSSS)  –  have  been  working  in  the  area  of fishermen’s livelihood, and their support for the anti-nuclear agitation draws on the fears to the fisherfolks’ livelihood from the nuclear power plant’. To read more



Ford  Foundation  has  been  in  the  news  lately  because  of  grants  to  some  high  profile individuals. Since the Foundation is a grant making organization and not a recipient of funds its site has consolidated audited financial statements only. The goal of Ford Foundation India is  ‘The  goal  of  our  work  is  to  address  persistent   poverty  by  empowering   socially marginalized groups and improving government policies’.


Do the goals of many NGO’s not reflect an air of superiority amongst the Western world as if they are solely responsible for human rights, health and poverty alleviation etc worldwide.


Social service organizations are not the only recipients of foreign donations. Large number of Think-Tanks benefit from such generosity too. To read more


Association 2010-11 About Association  (as on 8th March 2014)
1.World Vision ofIndia, Tamil Nadu 234  Christian humanitarian organisation working tocreate lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty and injustice. Annual Report 2013 on site does not contain audited accounts.
2.Believers ChurchIndia, Kerala 161 Our mission in life is to glorify God by seeking to know Jesus more fully and intimately, to worship Him as He desires. Runs schools and social service. No Financial Information on site.
3.RuralDevelopment Trust, A.P. 135 . To reach out to the poor and oppressedcommunities, fight violence against women, help disabled, health etc. Audit report 2012-13 on site.
4.Caruna Bal Vikas,Tamil Nadu 96 Associate of Compassion InternalU.S.A.  Educating, training and discipling servant leaders. Influence the development of nations by preparing young people from impoverished backgrounds to be Christian leaders etc. No audited accounts on site.
5.Women’sDevelopment Trust, Andhra Pradesh 73 Similar to Rural Development Trust above. Auditedaccounts 2012-13 on site.
6.Oxfam Trust,Delhi 71  Empowering poor and marginalized to ask fortheir rights etc. One of core value is inclusiveness, pluralism, secularism. Audited accounts for 2012-213 on site.
7.ShivnadarFoundation, Delhi 70  Leadership for Change. ThroughTransformational Education. Audited Accounts 2012-13 on site.
8.Bal RakshaBharat, Delhi 68 Progress of children. Audited Accounts2011-12 on site.
9.Action Aid,Karnataka 67  Rights of Urban Poor Karnataka. People in focus:Dalits, minorities and most backward groups (MBC). Audit Report on site is for Action Aid India Branch and not recipient for y.e.31/12/12
10.Missionaries ofCharity, West


63 Could not find site.
11.Mata Amritanandmayi Math, Kerala 61  Cultural & Spiritual, Education, zHealthcare, Disaster relief etc activities. Audited accounts not on site.
12.ChristianChildren Fund, Inc, Karnataka. Parent U.S. NGO. 61  Child Fund is new name. To help children livingin poverty. To promote societies that advance rights of children. Audited accounts not on site.
13.Population Services International, Delhi 60   HIV, AIDS, Child survival, Reproductive health, Malaria prevention. Audited accounts not on site.
14.Compassion EastIndia, West Bengal 60 Caters to the needs of childrenand impacting families and communities across the length and breadth of Eastern region, the tribal hub of India. No audited accounts on site.
15.SOS Children’sVillage of India, Delhi 55 work for children who are orphaned, abandoned or whose families are unable to care for them. Child care, Children’s Rights, Education, Emergency Response. Audited accounts for 2012-13 on site.


  1. About NGO’s who received Foreign Funding



Top 15 recipients received 1335
Total Contributionsreceived 10334


A number of recipient organizations have not uploaded audited accounts on the site. Should

NGOs be covered by the Right to Information Act even though they use foreign money?


A  number  of  associations  who  receive  money  refer  to  address  persistent  poverty  by empowering socially marginalized groups, removal of injustice, fight violence against women etc. These issues are typically  pursued by Western  Governments.  For e.g. have you read reports of religious freedom and women’s rights on their own countries.


Action Aid India’s Annual Report 2012-13 refers to National Study on the status of Muslims in India. Does this not tantamount to interfering in India’s domestic affairs? How would UK respond if a RSS Think Tank did a study on the condition of Muslims in UK?


In a deeper sense there is a fundamental  flaw with organizations  who over-emphasize  the western concept of human rights. It makes Indians look at the world through a western prism instead of an Indic one.


Maharishi Aurobindo said, “Dharma is the Indian conception in which rights and duties loose the artificial antagonism created by a view of the world, which makes selfishness the root of action, and regain their deep and eternal unity. Dharma is the basis of democracy which Asia must  recognize,  for in this lies the distinction  between  the soul  of Asia  and the soul of Europe”.


  1. Trends of State wise receipt of Foreign Contributions

Rs crs


State NGO not+filedreturns 11-12+ 10-11 2005-6 2002-3
1.Tamil Nadu 1827 1704 1557 1609 775
2. Delhi 646 2286 2017 1556 881
3. Andhra Pradesh 2373 1258 1177 1012 630
4. Maharashtra 1734 1107 914 664 505
5. Karnataka 1195 1101 999 621 489
6. Kerala 755 1029 873 656 409
7. Jharkand 248 144 135 97 58
8. West Bengal 1227 727 652 355 272
9. Gujarat 654 384 363 301 272
10. UP 182 265 257 103 NA
11. Orissa 1001 239 211 129 NA
12. MP 324 155 145 77 NA
13. Bihar 1026 179 144 101 NA
14. Rajasthan 283 145 141 NA
15. Himachal P 78 125 129 83 NA
16. Others 3203 700 620 514 756
Total 16,756 11548 10,334 7,878 5,047

+ Columns 1 & 2 is Reply to Rajya Sabha question no 199 dated 18/12/12013


Column one gives the number of NGOs who have not submitted their returns to MHA. Tamil

N, Andhra P, Maharashtra, Karnataka, West B, Orissa and Bihar share the honors.


One of the effects of the Tsunami  that hit Tamil Nadu in 2004 was the surge in foreign contributions to the State from Rs 775 crs in 2002-03 to an all time high of Rs 2,118 crs in



Four southern states account for 44% of reported receipts. These states received Rs 1,603 crs in 2002-03, up 217% in 2012-12. It is well known that the Church is increasingly active in these states – would be interesting to compare the Christian population in these states then and now. Note that even a small state like Uttaranchal received Rs 120 crs during 2011-12.


Can MHA monitor the working of NGO’s in so many states? Are the State Governments involved and to what extent?


  1. Top Recipient Districts of Foreign Contributions

Rs crs

District 2010-11 2009-10 2007-8 2002-3
Chennai 773 872 731 363
Mumbai 644 607 470 284
Bengaluru 774 702 670 358
Kolkatta 387 341 352 NA
Hyderabad/Sec 325 334 291 181
Ananthpur 275 414 278 169
Quilon 369 324 250
Ahmedabad 189 219 207 NA
Madurai 157 177 187 NA
Ernakulam 205 226 207 NA
Pune 129 186 173 NA
Krishna 151 158 134 NA
Tiruchirapali 96 NA
Kancheepuram 121 112 122 NA
KangraDharamsala 127 145 104 NA
Kottayam 100 106 NA NA

NA stands for not available.

Among  the  districts,  the  largest  recipients  of  contributions  were  Bengaluru  Rs  774  crs Chennai  Rs 773 crs,  Mumbai  Rs 644 crs,  Kolkatta  Rs 341 crs,  Ananthapur  Rs 275 crs, Hyderabad/Secunderbad Rs 325 crs, Quilon Rs 369 crs.


These are huge sums of money that require continuous and serious monitoring to ensure that end utilization matches the purported purposes for which the monies were received.


  1. Utilization of Foreign Contributions

Rs crs


Expenditure Head 2010-11 2009-10
1.   Establishment expenses 1337 1483
2.   Rural Development 863 944
3.   Relief/rehabilitation of natural calamities 267
4.   Welfare activities for children 745 743
5.   Construction/maintenance of schools/colleges 681 631
6.   Grant of stipend/scholarship to poor children 458 455
7.   AIDS related 392 330



8.   Welfare of Orphans 260 298
9.   Maintenance    and    education    of    priests,religious schools 446 330
10. Construction/Repair of Places of Worship 168 206


In 2010-11 Rs 681 crs was spent for construction of maintenance of schools and colleges. Since most of the recipients are Christian organizations it would be correct to assume that a major portion of amount was received by them.


Most would be aware that the Christian community plays a dominating role in the field of school education.  Whilst giving them due credit one of the reasons is because the Indian Christian community inherited Jesuit schools started by the British, the author went to one such school.


Article 29 and 30 of the Constitution conferred rights to minorities to establish and administer educational  institutions  to  promote  its  religious  tenets,  philosophy  etc.  However,  when donations  received  from  abroad  allow  the  community  to set  up  more  schools  where  the students are predominantly  Hindu, then it only accentuates the control that the community has over education.


A very good example is the Ryan International Group who runs 128 schools across 18 states. When its founder,  Dr A F Pinto  was conferred  The  Excellence  Award  for 2012 by The Christian Chamber of Commerce and Industry a blog in the Times of India said “How much of the “success” of such minority-institutions (in particular, Catholic-faith based schools and educational groups) is due to the relative “freedom” they enjoy from government interference and controls (e.g. minority-institutions  are exempt from the recent RTE legislation), as well as     the     generous     funding     they     receive     from     abroad?”.     To     read     more christian-chambers-of-commerce


Not sure if the framers of the Constitution had envisaged this situation when special rights were given to minorities to administer and establish their own institutions.


The author is not suggesting that India becomes inward-looking again but every nation has a right to safeguard its national interests, culture and social fabric.


The new Government needs to take a closer look at the need for foreign funding, NGO goals/

working and synergise them with national interest.


The author is a Chartered Accountant and founder


Note – Data taken from the FCRA report published by the MHA and relevant web sites. Any errors are unintended and regretted.

By admin

Satya Dosapati is an activist based in the US working on causes for both India and US. He played an instrumental role in the introduction of paper trail for India’s Electronic Voting Machines called VVPAT that put Indian democracy on a strong foothold by bringing in top international experts and demonstrating the vulnerabilities in Indian EVMs working with local organizations and CEC Qureshi. He organized an All American Rally for Trump bringing in various ethnic communities together in support of Trump Presidential Election that was acknowledged by Republican party and then candidate Trump. The event was covered by most of the national media in Pennsylvania. He is well known for challenging 100 and 30 million dollar lawsuits from Sonia Gandhi proxies in the US when he coordinated a UN protest against Sonia Gandhi representing Mahatma Gandhi values at UN and taking a full page Ad in New York Times exposing her. He has several successes in an activist movement from forcing Andhra Pradesh CM YSR in 2007 in banning conversions inside Hindu temples, bringing attention to the plight of backward caste minor girls in West Bengal being kidnapped and thrown into sexual slavery through love jihad. He led a protest against University of Pennsylvania (Wharton economic forum) for dropping Narendra Modi from keynote speech because of allegations of some leftist professors and got a (private) apology from UPenn President . He initiated the first anti-corruption conference working with Ajit Doval and Dr. Swamy before Anna Hazare protest at New Delhi Vivekananda International foundation and brought in top international anti-corruption personnel from UN (UNODC) and Europe (Eurodad) and other institutions. His YouTube presentation on Plunder of India by Sonia UPA received nearly 2 lacs hits. He was also engaged in animal rights movements in the US for health, environment, and compassion. He received his bachelors from IIT Chennai with graduate degrees in US and is pursuing a career in Telecom in the US. He is a conservative and proud member of the US National Rifle Association (NRA). His Koo id is @SatyaDosapati and several of his articles were published in PGurus and OpIndia news portals. His blog is