Bill and Hillary Clinton have been virulently anti-India for last 25 years, whether it is sanctions against India, adamantly pro-pakistan on Kashmir issue, tariffs against India exports, blocking sale of Super computers to India, showing crude bigotry against Mahatma Gandhi (see video below), creating USCIRF to support conversions, insulting India without appointing US Ambassador, ‘Get Modi’ policy of funding NGOs to unearth mass graves, you name it, they are against India. The following chronology with relevant links compiled by activist Arvind is an eye-opener not just for Indian Americans but for all Indians worldwide.
1992: US Trade Representative Carla Hills who turns out to be a Hillary Clinton supporter imposes trade sanctions on India under Super 301
1993: Bill Clinton blocks sale of Cray Supercomputers to India
1994: Bill Clinton supports Pakistan on Kashmir and accuses India of human rights violations
1998: Bill Clinton imposes sanctions on India (see protests in India related to this)
2004: Hillary Clinton exhibits bigotry and claims Mahatma Gandhi ran a gas station in St. Louis
2009: Hillary Clinton says she is proud to release report of anti-Hindu hate group USCIRF which was formed on the advice of a Committee consisting of Christians, Muslims and others but not Hindus (Click here to read about Hindus alone being excluded by Bill Clinton when the Office of Religious Freedom was created)
2016: Hillary Clinton picks Christian missionary, Hindu-baiter and India hater Tim Kaine as VP running mate